There will be four contests held at Sonoma Shortline:
Contest judging will start at 3:30 PM Saturday due to the short convention. The Contest Room will be open for viewing during judging and all day Saturday.
WANTED: Contest Judges
Although Silver Rails is still fresh in your memory, it isn't too early to start planning for this year's convention's contest entries. Did you run out of time to finish that project you've been working on for so long? Don't wait until just before Sonoma Shortline; NOW is the time to get serious about what you will enter in the Sonoma Shortline 2011 contests. The contest staff would like you to consider entering a model, a photograph, or both.
There will also be an Arts and Crafts contest for all you crafty folks out there. This goes for you modelers, too. Some previous winners have been modelers!
Contest entries will be accepted starting at 9:30 AM, Saturday May 14th.
Also, remember that some Achievement Program (AP) certificates require some models to be merit judged. This is a perfect opportunity to complete those requirements. Go to the NMRA website to view the requirements.
AP ribbons and Merit Award Certificates will be awarded for models that earn 87.5 points or more. Your model does not have to win 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd place to be awarded a Merit Award. It just has to earn 87.5 points or more in the judging.
Volunteers are needed to judge and staff the Contest Room to provide security for the entries.
Contest judges earn 2 time units towards their AP Association Volunteer Certificate.
Judging:The model contest is judged using the Pacific Coast Region Model Contest Judging Guidelines, as published on the PCR NMRA Contest Directory on the PCR website. The judging panel is divided into teams of 2 or 3, with each team judging one of the 5 model categories: Construction, Detail, Conformity, Finish and Lettering, and Scratch Building.
There are 5 entry classes: Open, Kit, Novice, Teen (13-17), and Youth (12 & Under)
If your model scores 87.5 points or greater, it will earn a merit award from the NMRA Achievement Program (AP). For more info on the AP, go to the NMRA website at
Top of PageContest forms and additional information for both the model and photography contests can be found at the PCR website.
(Note: Quilting and sewing are included in the “General” category, rather than the “Needlework” category. Any quilting or sewing entry with a railroad theme may also be entered in the “Railroadiana” category.)
Awards shall be given for first, second and third place in each category and sub-category:
The awards shall be based on the total number of points assigned to each entry by the Arts and Crafts division judges. The item scoring the most points overall in Arts and Crafts shall receive the Marion Madsen Arts and Crafts “Best of Show” Award. (As with the other contest divisions, the Best of Show winner will be counted separately and the item with the next-highest point total in that category will become the first-place winner.)
Honorable mentions shall be awarded to all entries receiving at least 87-1/2 points which are not selected as first-, second- or third-place winners in their respective categories.
Judges for the Arts and Crafts division may be judges for other contest divisions as well, or they may choose to judge Arts and Crafts only. Judges who have entered the Arts and Crafts contest may judge entries in any category and sub-category other than those in which they have entered.
Each entry will include a copy of the General Entry Form and a copy of the official Arts and Crafts scoring sheet, so the judges can make their comments and award the appropriate number of points in each section.
The Arts and Crafts entries are judged on the following criteria:
Any questions on judging will be resolved using the standard contest procedures followed by the PCR.
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