PCR 2009 logo
Pacific Coast Region / NMRA

Rails Across the Bay 2009 Convention
April 15 - 19, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As more questions come in, they will be added along with the answers.

If your question isn't here, send an e-mail to the Convention Committee.

Q: Do I have to be a member of the NMRA to attend the convention?
A: Yes. Six month "Rail Pass" memberships are available to "test the waters" and are renewable only with a full NMRA membership.

Q: What does the full-fare registration include?
A: All full-fare registrations include clinics, layout tours, operating sessions, and the Saturday night banquet. Prototype tours, excursions, and meals other than the banquet are "extra fare" items and are not included.

Q: Can my club sell their custom cars in the convention's Company Store?
A: Yes, we will accept custom club cars and previous conventions' cars for sale in the Company Store, with 10% of the selling price being deducted from the sellers' proceeds.

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