Rails by the Bay NMRA's 2021 virtual convention features world-class clinics by the hobby’s top modelers, layout owners, and operators. Our focus is on what the prototype railroads do and how we can learn from their practices to apply it to our model railroads.
Photoshop® Elements as a Modeling Tool
Jack Burgess, MMR®
11:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
The computer program Adobe® Photoshop® Elements can be just as useful in modeling as a Dremel® tool or NWSL Chopper. This clinic will share ideas of how to use the program to make scaled signs from graphics available on the web, scale prototype photos for building models, making your own decals and simple interior details, and enhancing scanned prototype and layout photos. Some techniques are extremely easy (“Why didn't I think of that?”) while others are more complex. A five-page handout is available below and at Jack's website,
Handout: Photoshop Elements as a Modeling Tool (779 kb)
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Blurring the Line: Freelancing from the Prototype
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Guy Cantwell
10:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Join Guy for a presentation on how to use prototype information to create a realistic freelance railroad. Topics covered will include: creating a group of prototype roads, selecting equipment and rolling stock, creating scenes inspired by prototype locations, and practical tips for building models and scenes on your layout. Check out Guy's layout and modeling at:
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Scenery Techniques – Modeling the Central Valley and the Western Sierras
Guy Cantwell
2:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
A presentation on scenery techniques to help you model California's Central Valley and the Sierra. Topics include grass techniques, trees (Oaks to Ponderosa pines), ground cover, bushes, and rocks. Guy will walk you through the basics of the techniques and demonstrate how he applied them to build scenes on his Central valley/Sierra-themed layout. Check out Guy's layout and modeling at:
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Fast Forward – 15 Years of layout Construction in an Hour
Guy Cantwell
9:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Join Guy for a photo presentation on the construction of his
Willoughby Line layout. The clinic compresses fifteen years of construction into a short presentation. Watch as the layout grows from ground zero into a multi-deck monster. Guy will show how he has approached some of the classic double-deck construction issues, such as: crossing the door, lighting the lower deck, helix, supporting the upper deck, staging, etc. Check out Guy's layout and modeling at:
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Maximizing Small Layout Operations
(Squeezing 10 Lbs of Ops Into a 5 Lb Layout)
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Al Daumann
11:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Goal: Present several operational features designed to maximize operations on small layouts (and maybe larger ones too).
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So You Want to Build a Dream Model Railroad?
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bill Decker
10:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Reflecting upon the past eight (nine by the time of the 2021 convention) years of construction of Bill's basement-filling SP Cascade Line, this clinic identifies design, construction, and project management ideas that have led to success. While most individuals may choose different approaches, the intent is to provide thought about the individual modeler's goals and to try to match those goals to one's own work habits and hobby style.
Handout: So You Want to Build a Dream Model Railroad? (99 kb)
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Building a Layout, Design to Details
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Paul Deis
9:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
What is really involved in building a layout? I will use a section on my model railroad to show you the steps I used to build my layout. The methods described are just my way of modeling, your styles of modeling may vary. I model the Southern Pacific Coast Line from San Luis Obispo to San Miguel, California in 1949.
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Tuning Up Your Rolling Stock
Paul Deis
10:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Are you plagued by derailments? Do you have trouble with couplers? Does your rolling stock wobble down the track? What can you do? Come spend some time with us as we explore easy steps you can take to improve the reliability of your railroad. Paul will describe the methods he uses and the tools he has found helpful.
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Printing Interiors for Your Models
Phil Edholm
2:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Use Microsoft® PowerPoint®, a drawing program masking as a slide program to create complete printed interior walls for your structures. The clinic will go through the steps to create templates from your kit/model for the interior walls, designing the actual layout, finding suitable graphics on the internet, and printing and installing the completed walls.
Handout: Printed Interior Walls Using PowerPoint (10.1 mb)
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Using 3D Printed Building Framing in an O Scale Model
Phil Edholm
11:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
This clinic covers using 3D printing to print the wooden wall framing of a building that is then covered with wood or other materials. The clinic covers designing the framing as well as how to print and join into larger wall sections. The clinic also covers how to paint the 3D printed parts to appear as wood with the attached wooden elements. Also covered will be using 3D printing for roof trusses and other structural elements.
Phil will show how 3D printed components can be combined with natural materials to create both more prototypical models, but also much stronger models. The clinic will cover the design mechanisms for the parts (Using FreeCad) as well as how to print the parts. How the parts are joined to create longer walls than the print bed will be covered. The painting techniques for the printed framing will be reviews. Finally, a complete framed printed roof will be reviewed and how to build it.
Handout: 3D Printing Building Framing (14.6 mb)
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The Oahu Railway Wahiawa Branch in On30
Neil Erickson
3:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
History and representation of the Oahu Railway & Land Company with focus on the Waipahu to Wahiawa Branch in On30.
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Silicon Valley Lines "Under the Layout" Tour
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Dave Falkenburg & James Brassill
3:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
A technology-centric tour of the Silicon Valley Lines, a club in San Jose, California, focused on operations and how they adapted technology to enhance their operations scheme.
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Creating Operations on the Louisville Southern Lines
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bob Frankrone
9:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
If you think you can’t operate your layout...think again. In this clinic, Bob discusses how he transformed his Louisville Southern Lines (LSL) layout into an operating layout long after it was designed and built. He presents a short history of the layout; describes the cities, towns, and industries; and diagrams the LSL route map. Bob explains his requirements for model railroad operation, the constraints his layout poses, and the mechanics of an operating session on the LSL.
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Love Those Loads
Bob Frankrone
9:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Bob is the author of the “Love Those Loads” series featured monthly in the NMRA Magazine. This clinic features plenty of photos of both prototype and HO modeled loads. A real crowd-pleaser, this clinic appeals to the beginner as well as the seasoned model railroader. Learn how to create interesting loads using commercially available products and kits. If you enjoy open loads, you will not want to miss Bob's clinic.
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How to Add a Scene to a Layout in 15 Easy Steps
Bob Frankrone
3:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Unless you are one of the few model railroaders that have a finished railroad, there is a good chance you have some areas on your layout that are void of any scene or scenery (plywood prairies as they are sometimes called). This clinic will demonstrate how easy it can be to create a nice-looking scene on your railroad, regardless of one’s skill level. Watch as Bob converts a three-square foot plywood prairie on his layout into a complete scene in 15 easy steps. A few simple tools, some readily available scenery materials, and various odds and ends like paint and glue are all he uses to create his scene. Whether you are a beginner or a Master Model Railroader, we think you will enjoy seeing a complete scene come into existence.
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What is Model Railroading?
Bryan Fraser
3:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
A presenter-led discussion about what it means to be a model railroader and how we define our hobby.
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Painting in post-Floquil World
Joe Fugate
10:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Stash of Floquil/Polly Scale running out? Get weaned off Floquil/Polly Scale and map the familiar colors to other model paints. Also tips & tricks for airbrushing, brush painting, washes, and storing paints to last longer.
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Make It Run Like a Dream
Joe Fugate
4:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Want your trains to run as good as (or better than) they look? Joe Fugate shares several decades of learnings and expert advice for getting and keeping your equipment and layout running as flawlessly as possible.
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Siskiyou Line 2 Clinic
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Joe Fugate
4:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Joe Fugate reviews his first Siskiyou Line layout and covers the lessons he learned over the 25 years of building and operating that layout. Joe then discusses the dismantling of layout #1 and talks about the design and construction of the new layout that is now being built to take its place.
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NMRA's Magic of Scale Model Railroading Exhibit: A Guided Tour
Charlie Getz & Chris Palermo
2:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Exhibit creator Charlie Getz is interviewed by NMRA Board member Chris Palermo and provides a complete tour of NMRA's new public exhibit at the
California State Railroad Museum, with over 50 photos, and featuring Charlie's inside knowledge of the artifacts.
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Modeler's Showcase
Earl Girbovan
7:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Join us for a special Friday evening clinic as a number of local modelers show off their work. The Modeler’s Showcase is a series of brief presentations about a project special to them. From building a prototype telegraph sounder, touring completed scenes, 3D printing, kitbashing or detailing, there is something to interest everyone. Featured presentations include:
- Dave Adams – An Approach to Building Operating Telegraph Sounders
- Dave Croshere – Scenes around Port Croesus
- Paul Deis – Building the Stenner Creek Trestle
- Fran Foley – 3D Printing On30 Trains
- Earl Girbovan – A Tour of the Clear Lake Lumber Company
- Jesse Walden – Adding Easy Details to a Model
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My Life in Trains
Michael Gross
5:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
5:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Actor Michael Gross recounts his lifetime of passion for trains and modeling: growing up in Chicago near 10 railroads that sent 72 passenger trains a day past his home, the exuberent marketing of trains and lines from the postwar years into the 1960s, relocating from New York to LA by rail in the early 1980s, courting his wife Elsa with rail attractions, introducing entertainment colleagues to the hobby, acquiring an 18-mile branch of the AT&SF in New Mexico, personal promotional activities in the hobby, Free-Mo modular modeling of the AT&SF, and much more. The viewer will enjoy a 20-minute, good-humored, wide-ranging and vividly drawn portrait of Mr. Gross' lifetime passion for trains, railroading and modeling, presented by one of the hobby's most visible and articulate advocates.
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A Day In the Life of a Train Dispatcher
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Steve "Breezy" Gust
2:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Steve “Breezy” Gust, retired SP-UP train dispatcher, provides a historical account of what it was like to work as a train dispatcher and as a trainer for two large and successful Class 1 railroads. Although Breezy dispatched trains using TT/TO early in his career, this presentation focuses on CTC and TWC systems that were in effect at the end of his career in 2009.
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Basic Airbrushing
Edwin Hall, MMR®
8:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
History of the "brush", hints on how to purchase, taping with masking tape, what paint to use.
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Detailing and Painting a Southern Pacific Cab-Ahead
Edwin Hall, MMR®
8:30 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
This clinic is beneficial to anyone painting a brass engine. Simple modifications added to the engine to enhance it's look. Clinic informs attendee on how to strip down an engine and paint it. What to do about decals and masking the engine.
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Detailing and Painting the Southern Pacific 1941 Lark
Edwin Hall, MMR®
8:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Ed discusses adding additional detailing to a Coach Yard brass SP 1941 Lark passenger car and the best paint and decals available to make a realistic model.
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Western Grocer – A look at a Mid-Century, Midwestern Grocery Distribution Company
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Doug Harding, MMR®
2:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Western Grocer was the largest grocery distributor between Chicago and Denver in the 1940s. Vintage photos, Sanborn maps, and historic data are featured. Models of structures and cars are presented and operations briefly covered. Grocery distributors were found across the country, making this clinic applicable for anyone. Doug will show how Western Grocer's activities were applied to his layout and how it influenced its track design and operations.
Doug has a large (30’x50’) HO layout modeling the Minneapolis & St Louis in Iowa. It features nine towns, three of them had Western Grocer distribution centers, and four had Marshall Canning factories. Other towns supplied sweet corn, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc. for the canneries. Boxcars, reefers, gons and the occasional flat from across the country could be seen at these facilities. Switching at the distribution centers was daily, while it was seasonal at the factories. Track arrangements ranged from simple spurs to complex switchbacks. It all makes for interesting operations.
Handout: Western Grocer (237 kb)
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Make Only New Mistakes
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Byron Henderson
10:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
2-hour session
An intensive 2-hour session on track planning sponsored by the Layout Design SIG. Discover how to refine vision, concept and purpose; select layout footprints and schematics; draw accurate and useful plans; create efficient and engaging yards and industrial areas; make best use of staging tracks; maintain space for people; and avoid common track planning errors.
Handout: Make Only New Mistakes (120 kb)
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Simplifying Wiring on Your Panels With Arduinos, Neo-pixels & Resistor Chains
Michael Hill
4:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Learn how one creates a nice compact yard panel that has lights, power, and points control without all the messy and hard-to-repair wiring using Arduinos, neo-pixels, and resistor chains. These have come across as we got annoyed at all the excess wiring and the need to make things easier to fault find. The panel concept will work nicely with a basic shelf layout all the way up to a multi-cab railroading empire.
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Fifty Years of Amtrak
Paul Hobbs
4:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
On May 1, 2021, Amtrak celebrated its 50th birthday. We will review the company's progress from start-up, including schedules, equipment changes, paint schemes.
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Business Cars, Private Cars
Paul Hobbs
4:30 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Railroad business cars have been in service from near the beginning of steam railroading, known to be on the roster of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in 1855, before the Civil War. In 1863 the United States Military Railroads built a 4-truck car for their CEO – President Lincoln. Business cars were at their most numerous in the 1920s, about 900 cars, representing less than 1.5% of the passenger car fleet. The role of business cars has evolved, several among the fleets of present-day railroads as exquisitely maintained sales tools and inspection vehicles. Private cars were the corporate jets of earlier times. Often configured similar to business cars, they were the transports of the rich and famous. Today’s private cars are restored members of the heavyweight and streamlined fleets, many available for charter. Modeling these cars can be an interesting kitbash project or a brass model purchase. We will explore all these elements and more.
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Setting Up for Operations
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Mark Juett, MMR®
2:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
If you are interested in model railroad operations, there are several things to consider even if your track is operational and the scenery complete. How will you dispatch trains? Where and how will you build a Dispatcher’s Office? Will you use radio, telephone, telegraph, or another method to communicate? What method will you use for car forwarding? What paper forms will you need? Time Tables, Clearance Forms, Switch List, Bad Order Forms, etc. Will your operators be able to identify locations and industries on your railroad?
What about other aids to keep things organized, how will you keep all of those forms organized? What will you use for uncoupling tools?
Have you considered interchanges for cars to go beyond your basement? How will you build them? How will they operate?
What type of trains will you run; through freight, unit trains, mixed freight, passenger, local switching or all of these?
Come join us to discuss these subjects and more.
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Using JMRI for Car Forwarding
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Mark Juett, MMR®
3:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
There are several methods to generate traffic on your railroad. Car cards are very popular, but cars are limited to four destinations. The old guys used colored thumbtacks but that detracted from the appearance of the car. There are several software programs but many of them are dependent on one person to maintain and update the software.
Come take a look at JMRI as a method for car forwarding. How to set up and configure. How to get the results you want. How car types and destinations are appropriate. See how movements are not a set pattern unless you desire to set it that way. See just how easy it is to get started and get freight and passengers moving on your railroad.
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Installing Sound Decoders
Mark Juett, MMR®
3:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Not every decoder installation is plug and play. Older locos can be upgraded for better performance. You can find a way to make the installation in most locomotivese.
Learn some of the techniques that have been presented in the NMRA Magazine "Pulse of DCC" column over the past five years. Learn about decoder selection. How do we find space for everything? See how to measure the space to see what is available. Learn how to mill away portions of the weights or other components to make room. How do I upgrade an older loco‘s performance? Speaker selection is an important criteria for good performance. Learn about soldering, energy storage devices, LED lighting, special lighting effects and more.
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Using DecoderPro
Mark Juett, MMR®
4:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
JMRI DecoderPro is a great tool to set up and configure your decoder. Learn how to best use DecoderPro to your advantage. It has a great graphical user interface which makes it easy to use. Learn about special lighting effects, speed tables and speed matching, momentum, braking and more. Learn how to copy and duplicate files for similar locomotives. Learn about programming on the main and using a dedicated programming track. There is a lot to DecoderPro but come see how easy it is to get started and to use.
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Developing Operations for Your Layout
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bill Kaufman
2:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
The title says it all. You have a layout or are thinking about building one, how do you decide what operating scheme to use? This presentation runs from the most primitive Darlington RR (one set of tracks, one engine) through the modern complexity (many engines and GPS). TT&TO and track warrants are contrasted with real world examples.
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Update on the Nickel Plate
Tony Koester
2:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Model Railroader Magazine "Trains of Thought" columnist and Model Railroad Planning editor Tony Koester will cover the highlights of his HO model of the Nickel Plate Railroad’s St. Louis Division as it appeared and operated in the mid 1950s. The railroad is fully scenicked and operational.
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Clark's Tool Ideas: Parts 1 & 2 (combined)
Clark Kooning, MMR®
4:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
In this fast-paced clinic Clark will give you a quick look at some tools that may be a great benefit to you as a modeler. Clark will look at a wide variety of tools that can be used in DCC layouts, some basic electrical tool ideas, and of course some neat tools for building great models. Join Clark in this fast-paced PowerPoint® fun clinic.
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40 Minutes with Clark
Clark Kooning, MMR®
4:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
In this clinic Clark will take you through some tips and tricks with a quick-paced PowerPoint® clinic. We will look at glues, electrical ideas, airbrush tips, introduction to spline subroadbed, and some general tips on building models.
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Ethanol by Rail -- A 21
st Century Prototype You Can Model
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Clifton Linton
7:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
A look at how railroads provide transportation of raw materials and finished product of this essential key motor fuel additive that has been a vital commodity this century.
Handout: Ethanol by Rail -- A Prototype You Can Model (4.4 MB)
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Dispatcher’s Fireside Chat – What it was really like
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Clifton Linton, Moderator
7:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
2-hour session
Five former railroad dispatchers, Steve "Breezy" Gust, Thomas White, Rick Kang, Joe Fugate, and Mark Amfahr, share their stories and tips about railroad operations and control. Learn about the job of a dispatcher and how it can apply to the model world. Pull up a chair and join this conversation moderated by Clifton Linton. We will monitor the chat for your questions.
If you have an advance question – drop us a line at clinics@nmra2021.com. Please put "Fireside Chat" in the subject line.
Handout: Dispatcher’s Fireside Chat Resources (PDF, 184 kb)
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Butane by Rail - A Prototype You Can Model
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Clifton Linton
8:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Butane is still a commodity shipped in manifest quantities by rail. Here's the background on the commodity, why and how it moves by rail, and how you could model it on your layout.
Handout: Butane by Rail - A Prototype You Can Model 3.2 MB)
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Structures on an Extraordinary O Scale Traction Layout
Dave Lull
9:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
A show of structures Dave built for an outstanding and highly detailed traction layout. Pictures include the owner's collection of interurban cars, streetcars, trolleybuses, and diesel buses. Dave owned DSL Shops (urethane structure kits).
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Building the Demonstration Layout for the "Magic of Scale Model Railroading"
Frank Markovich, MMR®
2:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Frank will cover the building of the new exhibit at the
California State Railroad Museum from the ground up, including, but not limited to Benchwork, Subroadbed, Trackwork, Electrical, Scenery, Structures, etc.
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Madera Sugar Pine
Scott McGhee
8:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
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Zimo DCC
Kristine McNary
7:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Presented in conjunction with ZImo and some Zoom times for Q&A to provide a better understanding of DCC, as well as an introduction to the Zimo line of products, and some basic use, such as using the MXULFA along with Software wear tools.
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Focus Stacking and Low Perspective Smartphone Photography
Ed Merrin
3:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
The rationale and techniques for using the camera in your smartphone to create low-angle close-up photos of model railroad layouts or dioramas with realistic depth of field. Ed discusses advantages and disadvantages of the smartphone versus larger DSLR or mirrorless cameras and walks you through a shooting session. Essential to this process is mastering the blending of multiple individual images taken at different focal points. The mechanics of setting up these shots with the standard manual technique or more recent automated software approaches are covered. Postproduction issues, including choice of software and the use of cropping, and the types of artifacts that are encountered.
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Layout Without a Plan: Changes as You Go Along
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bruce Morden
8:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
What happens if you build a layout and then want to make changes? Add signals, change track arrangements, add more lighting, add animation, and more? The argument for building small and experimenting before you build your life layout.
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Direct Traffic Control
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bruce Morden
8:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
A look at how Direct Traffic Control (DTC) works. This system of traffic control replaced the Timetable and Train Order system on a small number of railroads in the United States and was also used in Australia.
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Using Sanborn Maps and Aerial Photos for Layout Design
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bruce Morden
8:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Layout design based on research from Sanborn Insurance maps, aerial photos, railroad maps, and USGS topographic maps. Some examples that Bruce used on his model railroad as well as some areas close to the convention will be presented. Sources for your own use and exploration will be provided. A great way to study the prototype for design and operation.
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Let’s Visit the Diamond Point Railways
Irwin Nathanson
11:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Tour three separate but interconnected layouts inspired by Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany. Depicting Germany (HO), United Kingdom (00), and United States (HO). Layouts are walk-in, overall size of room is 25 X 18 feet. Layouts are fully sceniced with lots of animation, sound, smoke and lighting effects. Irwin will also demonstrate some very advanced European DCC-controlled locomotives and other rolling stock. The Diamond Point Railways were featured in the August, 2016 issue of NMRA Magazine.
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What Would You Do Differently
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Seth Neumann, Moderator
7:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
2-hour session
A panel of layout owners from the Wednesday Layout Design SIG Tour discussing lessons learned and the evolution of their thinking. Gain insights from owners after building and operating a layout for a number of years: All the "I'd do it agains" , "Never agains" etc. Also what was satisfying, what wasn't and what they would do next time. Featured layout owners include: Jack Burgess-MMR®, Guy Cantwell, Howard Lloyd, Ed Merrin, Tony Thompson, and Paul Weiss.
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Re-Animating a US&S Type 506 CTC Console
Seth Neumann
4:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Rick Fortin secured a former ATSF CTC console and has modified it to dispatch his freelanced Santa Fe Valley Division 4th Subdivision. This clinic details the design using CMRInet and JMRI PanelPro, as well as the physical restoration of the board.
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An Update on the Union Pacific Oakland Sub
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Seth Neumann
11:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Evolution of Seth's "Union Pacific Oakland Sub" layout that has received national coverage and is featured on the Layout Design SIG Tour (and perhaps other tours). Seth will describe the prototype, his design process, construction, operations, and lessons learned.
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Model Railroad Communications (Phones for Ops)
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Seth Neumann
4:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Seth will provide a brief history of prototype communications equipment, describe the types of equipment that you will need to build a phone system, provide a planning guide, and describe circuits he's developed to simplify the installation of a phone system on your railroad.
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LABRF: Los Angeles to Bakersfield
Mike Osborne
2:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Mike will take you back in time to 1980 on a 172-mile night-time trip as a new brakeman aboard Southern Pacific's LABRF, from Los Angeles to Bakersfield Yard. Starting at Taylor Yard and LATC, you will journey across the San Fernando Valley, up Soledad Canyon, through the Mojave Desert, up and down the famous Tehachapi mountains to Bakersfield.
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Seasickness Unknown: The Pacific Coast Companies Create the Alaska Cruise Businss
Chris Palermo
3:00 PM
Daylight Clinic Track
Pacific Coast Steamship Company invented the California-to-Alaska cruise business in the 1880s and was unique in having connections to three railroads, two of which were narrow gauge. The 3' gauge Pacific Coast Railway in San Luis Obispo County, California, provided an essential passenger, freight, and mail link for rural communities in the early 20th Century. Both companies held US mail contracts that helped maintain profitability. Bridging the hobbies of model railroading and postal history collecting (philately), this clinic will trace the history of these lines, highlighted by displays of original 19th and early 20th century artifacts and ephemera from the author's collection, including postal items carried on the lines, menus, advertising, and photographs.
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Scratchbuilding in Wood
Ray Persing
10:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
In an era when craftsman kits are becoming increasingly expensive, scratch-building makes high-quality models possible on a budget. We’ll cover techniques used in constructing wood models by stepping through the construction of a prize-winning structure. This clinic is for the modeler who is considering scratch-building but either hasn’t started or has started with limited success. The clinic also covers methods used to build a Merit Award quality model, as well as some warnings of things not to do, and alternative methods to achieve similar effects.
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3D Printing for Model Railroading
Ray Persing
9:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
This clinic is an introduction to 3D printing for model railroading, a game-changing technology for our hobby. The clinic covers the entire process from creating (or downloading) a 3D object to creating the finished product and is intended for modelers who have no previous experience with 3D printing. This clinic will help you understand (1) what can you do with 3D printing; (2) what kinds of 3D printers are there and what types are best for our hobby; (3) the process to design and create 3D printed parts; (4) impact on AP Merit Awards.
Handout: 3D Printing for Model Railroading (4.65 MB)
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Basics of American Steam Locomotives
Robert Pethoud
11:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
American steam locomotives earned a reputation for being grotesque jumbles of pipes, rods, and mysterious devices. This clinic explains what many of these parts are, how they work, and how they developed over time. In particular, we’ll explore in detail the functioning of Stephenson and Walschaert valve gear.
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Operating the Fall Creek Branch
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Robert Pethoud
9:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Robert's HO-scale Fall Creek Branch module duplicates the operation of a way freight at the end of a branch line, with multiple set outs and pick ups required by each switch list. The clinic will cover basic switching maneuvers, prototype practices, and creating a sequence of switch lists. The Fall Creek Branch was featured in the March 2016 issue of
Model Railroader magazine.
Handout: Operating the Fall Creek Branch (191 kb)
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Modeling the Hetch Hetchy Railroad in 1919: A B&W Approach to Scenery
Steve Redeker
9:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Steve will show how he models the Hetch Hetchy Railroad in black and white using its 1919-era prototype photos for backdrops. This layout is unique in that the entire layout is black and white and each modeled scene replicates the photo behind it. This Dead Rail On30 layout has other unique features including "quick change backdrops", magnetic aligning turntables and more. The Hetch Hetchy Railroad was built to support building a huge dam in Yosemite National Park and the High Sierra portion of an aqueduct carrying water to San Francisco.
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Surface Mounted LEDs
Frank Schneider
3:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
With surface mount LEDs we can get LEDs into spots previously thought of as unreachable. Frank shows how to pick, wire, and install them, using examples from his N scale modeling. After this clinic you will be able to find, wire, and power a surface mount LED.
Handout: Surface Mount LEDs (34 kb)
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Make Your Own Decals
Frank Schneider
3:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
In this clinic, Frank will describe a way of making waterslide decals with white and metallic printing. All it takes is some special materials, a laser printer, and a laminator. Make silver, gold, white, or any color or combination of color decals.
Handout: Create your own decals (58 kb)
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Developing Your Operations from Start to Timetable and Train Order
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Roger Sekera
11:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
An approach or plan to transition or migrate from solely sequence-based operations to one using fundamental TT&TO rules and procedures.
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Burlington Northern Unit Coal Train Operations
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Robert Stafford
9:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
9:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Review of BN operations when Robert worked on the Denver Region. Review of how the BN handled switching of empty coal trains at Alliance, NE. Wyeing of coal trains to equalize flange ware. Setting out and the picking up of bad order cars en-route.
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Burlington Northern Unit Grain Train Operations
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Robert Stafford
9:30 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
9:30 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
Operation of unit grain trains when Robert worked on the Denver Region of the BN during the 1980s.
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Weathering With Pan Pastels and Other Media
Pete Steinmetz
10:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
This clinic will show how to weather using Pan Pastels as a starting point for weathering plastic
car bodies. Other media will be AK Weathering Pencils, oils, washes, pigments, and markers. All this mixed together will result in a convincing weathered car.
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Dead Rail Systems in Smaller Scales
Pete Steinmetz
10:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
An overall discussion of battery-powered remote control systems currently on the market. Pete will give a brief history of Battery Power, advantages of Dead Rail, available systems and their advantages, discussion of batteries, battery charging, and battery safety.
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An Operating System for Smaller Layouts
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Jesse Walden
10:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
Jesse does not have a multi-hundred-foot layout but he likes to know why he's moving trains and where they are going. He will cover what an operating system is and what it is supposed to do. What real railroads do and what is appropriate for a smaller layout. How the system works on his home layout.
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Getting Started in Operations
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bob Weinheimer, MMR®
4:00 PM
Zephyr Clinic Track
This is an EduTRAIN clinic written by the presenter. In this clinic, we will take a high level approach to the sorts of issues someone starting out in operations might consider. Probably one of the most important is to determine how the operation is intended to interact with the rest of the world. Other issues include train authorization methods, how to determine where cars should go, ideas on car fleets, a consideration of era. Options to consider for each of those areas are presented, it will be up to the operator to choose what works best for him or her.
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Operations on the Pennsylvania Southern
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bob Weinheimer, MMR®
11:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
This clinic describes operations on the presenter's railroad. Topics include layout tour, rolling stock, car routing, train descriptions, dispatching, yard operations, local operations, and staffing. This clinic reduces to practice the items reviewed in "Getting Started in Operations". The attendee will see how the presenter made his choices and implemented them into a layout with a long operating history.
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Evolution of an Operating Scheme
LDSIG Suggested Clinic
Bob Weinheimer, MMR®
11:00 AM
Daylight Clinic Track
This clinic describes the process of getting to where the operating scheme is today. It shows the growth of industry, car fleet, and staging, as well as the improvements over the years in car routing and dispatching. It shows the need to be willing to make changes. These changes may be to the layout itself as well as its operating plans and procedures.
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Kitbashing - Think Outside the Walthers Box!
Don Winn
10:00 AM
Zephyr Clinic Track
You need dozens, perhaps hundreds, of structures for your home or club layout. There’s not enough time to scratchbuild them all, but building a kit to the instructions leaves you with a layout that looks more like a Walthers sales display and less like the unique railroad you are trying to present. Also, many of the spaces you have on your railroad are oddly shaped where a rectangular building won’t fit. We’ll discuss tips and tricks to help you build structures that fit your layout and will hopefully inspire you to customize your buildings to tell your railroad’s story.
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Bruce Morden & Clif Linton
Clinics Co-chairs