Siskiyou Summite 2012 logo

Pacific Northwest Region & Pacific Coast Region / NMRA

Siskiyou Summit 2012 Joint Convention
May 2 - 5, 2012
Medford, Oregon


Contests Chairs:
John DeSteese - PNR
Giuseppe Aymar - PCR

Contest entrants may submit models, photographs, modules and craft items for judging in the following contests:

Volunteers and Contest Judges Needed!

Volunteers are needed to judge and staff the Contest Room to provide security for the entries. Model contest judges earn 2 time units towards their AP Association Volunteer Certificate. All judges get a free lunch courtesy of PNR & PCR! Contact either Contests Chair to volunteer or the Volunteer Coordinator, Jim Whaley .

Contest Room Schedule

Wednesday   1:00 PM to 6:00 PM NEW Hours, Now open Wednesday for Contest Entries
Thursday   8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Open during lunch break
Friday   8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Open during lunch break
  10:00 AM AP Evaluation
Saturday   8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Open during lunch break
    9:00 AM until completed Contest Judging (Judges to meet at 8:30 AM)
    By 3:00 PM Deadline to pick up all Contest entries

The Contest Room is open during the AP Evaluation and judging for the benefit of registrants. You may use this time to view the models or to observe the judging and learn more about your own model or about contests in general.

Your presence in the room is a privilege that will become a hindrance to the judging process if there is talking of any kind or commotion. Under no circumstances should anything be said (positive or negative) about any entry that might affect the judges' deliberations. Please use this privilege wisely and discreetly, otherwise we will be forced to close the room during judging.

Contest Entry Pickup

Contest entries must be picked up no later than 3:00 PM Saturday afternoon.

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The Dreaded Paperwork!

Every entry requires at least one piece of paperwork to be entered in all Contests. Models and modules to be judged also need the appropriate judge's score sheet, per the following table:

Arts & Crafts
(Display Only)
Contest Entry
Form #901
Model Judge's
Score Sheet
Form #902
Module Judge's
Score Sheet
Form #903

All of the forms may be downloaded from the NMRA website by clicking on the underlined links above.

Save time in the Contest Room! Download and prepare the paperwork in the comfort of your own home! You'll be glad you did.

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Model Contest

An entrant in the model contest must be a member of the NMRA in good standing. Models may be submitted for judging in the following regular contest categories:

  1. Steam locomotive
  2. Diesel and other locomotive
  3. Traction of self-propelled vehicle
  4. Passenger car
  5. Freight car
  6. Caboose
  7. Non-revenue equipment (e.g. maintenance of way)
  8. Structure (all structures without significant scenery; scenery, if any present, is not judged
  9. Diorama / display (groups of models displayed with significant scenery)

Entrants may indicate if they wish to be judged in kit-built, scratch-built, novice, teen (13 to 17 year old) or youth (under 13 year old) subclasses.

A "novice" is anyone who has not previously been awarded: (a) more than 87.5 points in the contest category being entered, (b) more than 100 points in any model contest category, (c) model contest Best of Show, or (d) winners of any contest awards in previous regional or national contests. Entries that have won First Place in a Regional or NMRA contest may not be entered again.

Required Forms – To enter the model contest, entrants must complete a separate NMRA National Contest Entry Form 901 for every model submitted.

These forms will be collected in the Contest Log Book in chronological order with the Contest Claim Check attached. Entrants will be required to sign the claim check at the time the model is returned to them in good order at the end of the contest. Proxy entries will be accepted.

For any contest model to be formally judged, the entrant must, at a minimum, complete and submit the model with an NMRA National Contest Judging Form 902. This form may be accompanied by supplemental information, plans, photographs, etc., that the entrant feels will help the judges appreciate the model.

Failure to provide Form 902 will result in the model not being formally judged as part of the Model Contest. In this case, the model can still be displayed as a Showcase (display) item that will be a candidate in the Popular Vote portion of the contest, along with any other models submitted for display only.

Awards – A plaque will be awarded for Best of Show, Levity and Ingenuity. A plaque and blue ribbon will be awarded to first place winners in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place finishers. Honorable Mention Certificates will be awarded for models which score over 87.5 points, but do not place among the top three in any category.

Achievement Program Coordination – NMRA members may submit models for AP evaluation without entering the contest. Models entered in the contest will be eligible for AP Merit Award, but for those members who may not desire to undertake the rigors of the contest and who wish to be present when the evaluation is performed, an AP Evaluation session will precede the Contest on Friday morning. AP Evaluation results will have no bearing on Contest Judging scores.

Members will need to indicate their desire to have one or more of their entries judged for an AP award as an activity separate from contest judging. Models submitted for AP Evaluation will be distinguished with an additional identification tag. Such models may also be entered in the model contest or presented for Showcase display only.

A separate group of evaluators (not Contest Judges) will complete the AP Evaluation of designated models. Merit Awards that result from this separate evaluation or as a result of Contest judging will be presented to qualifying individuals during the convention. Members are strongly encouraged to bring models for evaluation and to take the opportunity to learn how the AP actually works.

Also, remember that some AP certificates require some models to be merit judged. This is a perfect opportunity to complete those requirements. Go to the NMRA website to view the requirements. If you have questions about the AP, contact your region's Achievement Program Manager.

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Module Contest

An entrant in the module contest must be a member of the NMRA in good standing. Modules may be entered in one of two categories:

  1. Individual module
  2. Group Module

To distinguish modules from the above Diorama/Display category in the Model Contest, evidence should be submitted to show modules are capable of being connected to other similar modules as opposed to just being a demountable portion of a layout. Modules will be judged using the same criteria as used for judging the Diorama/Display category in the Model Contest.

Modules will be also eligible for the Popular Vote Contest (see below).

Required Forms – To enter the module contest, entrants must complete a separate NMRA National Contest Entry Form 901 for each module submitted.

For any contest module to be formally judged, the entrant must, at a minimum, complete and submit the module with a Judges' Score Sheet for NMRA Module Contest Form 903. This form may be accompanied by supplemental information, plans, photographs, etc., that the entrant feels will help the judges appreciate the module.

Failure to provide Form 903 will result in the module not being formally judged as part of the Module Contest. In this case, the module can still be displayed as a Showcase (display) item that will be a candidate in the Popular Vote portion of the contest, along with any other modules submitted for display only.

Awards – A plaque and blue ribbon will be awarded to first place winners in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for second and third place. Honorable Mention will be awarded for modules that score 87.5 points but do not finish in the top three.

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Photo Contest

An entrant in the photo contest must be a member of the NMRA in good standing. Railroad and model railroad theme photographic prints only (no color slides), sized and mounted according to NMRA Photo Contest Rules may be entered for formal judging in the following categories:

  1. Model scene
  2. Prototype trains in action
  3. Track and structures
  4. Working on the railroad
  5. General rail topic (distinguishable from the previous four categories)

A sixth category is available for showcasing any print of any subject that the entrant does not wish to be formally judged. Prints in the latter category will still be eligible to participate in the Popular Vote Contest (see below).

Maximum Entries – An entrant may enter a maximum of three prints in any one category and a maximum of six prints in total. The entrant must have exposed the original negative or digital image.

PNR - PCR Differences – The above structure of the Photo Contest represents an area where PCR and PNR practices have been different in the past. At Siskiyou Summit 2012, we will make no distinction between black and white (B/W), and color prints. As both types of prints may be entered in any category, there are no longer separate B/W and color categories for any subject. Recognizing that digital photography is essentially universal, we have eliminated the opportunity to have color slides judged or displayed and suggest prints be made from any slides that would have otherwise been submitted.

Required Forms – To enter the photo contest, entrants must complete a separate NMRA National Contest Entry Form 901 for each photo submitted.

Awards – Best in Show, first, second, third place and honorable mention will be awarded, when appropriate. Plaques and blue ribbons will be awarded to first place photographers in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place. A plaque will be awarded for Best in Show.

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Popular Vote Contest

All registered convention attendees will receive a ballot form in their registration packet and will be eligible to participate in the Popular Vote Contest. All contest models, photographs, trains, craft items and Showcase display-only items are eligible for the popular vote and will be identified with a numbered tag for this purpose.

The ballot will allow individuals to vote for their favorite:

  1. Model (including Modules)
  2. Photograph
  3. Train
  4. Arts & Crafts item

Modules will be considered to be models in the Popular Vote Contest.

Awards – Plaques and certificates will be awarded for the model, photograph, train and craft item that receives the most votes in its respective category. A Popular Best of Show plaque and certificate will also be awarded for the item that receives the most votes regardless of category.

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Arts & Crafts Contest

All registered convention attendees and accompanying family will be eligible to participate in the Arts & Crafts Contest. The contest categories will be:

  1. General (any non-needlework art & craft: e.g. painting, drawing, sculpture, woodcarving, photomontage, etc.)
    1. Kit Built (commercially available kit; includes plans/instructions and materials)
    2. Pattern (existing plans/instructions; entrant acquires materials separately)
    3. Original (entrant’s own design)
  2. Railroadiana
    1. Kit Built (same as General Kit Built, except entry must have a railroad motif)
    2. Pattern (same as General Pattern, except entry must have a railroad motif)
    3. Original (same as General Original, except entry must have a railroad motif)
  3. Needlework
    1. Kit Built (same as General Kit Built, except entry is type of needlework – e.g. knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.)
    2. Pattern (same as General Pattern, except entry is type of needlework – e.g. knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.)
    3. Original (same as General Original, except entry is type of needlework – e.g. knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.)

Required Forms – To enter the arts & crafts contest, entrants must complete a separate NMRA National Contest Entry Form 901 for each entry submitted.

Awards – Awards shall be given for first, second and third place in each category and subcategory:

  • General-original, General-pattern and General-kit
  • Railroadiana-original, Railroadiana-pattern and Railroadiana-kit
  • Needlework-original, Needlework-pattern and Needlework-kit

The item scoring the most points overall shall receive the Marion Madsen Memorial Arts & Crafts “Best of Show” Award.

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Participation / Switching Contest

All registered convention attendees will be eligible to compete in the Participation/Switching Contest. This will require the entrant to reposition cars on a typical “Timesaver” switching layout. Two aspects of this contest will be completing the switching problem with 1) the fewest number of moves and 2) in the least time.

Awards – Certificates will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners in each category.

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Ingenuity and Levity Contest

All registered convention attendees will be eligible to participate in this contest. The Contest Co-chairmen will make one award each for ingenuity and levity incorporated in any entry in any of the above contest categories. These awards will be made at the discretion of the Co-chairmen.

Awards – A plaque and certificate will be awarded to the most ingenious and most humorous entries.

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Showcase, Display Only

This is a non-competitive event for models, modules, photos, and arts & crafts. Entries may be complete or in process. Entries may be submitted in the following categories:

  1. Models – These include all models as designated by the categories of the judged model contest. However, other model and layout oriented items may be permitted, such as mechanisms, control panels, etc. at the discretion of the contest chairmen.
  2. Photos
  3. Arts & Crafts

Awards – Entrants shall be given Certificates of Appreciation.

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In Summary

We hope the above contest opportunities encourage all convention attendees to participate in, at least, one contest. Certainly, everyone can participate in the Popular Vote Contest just by completing and submitting their ballots. For those who do not wish to enter any of the formal contests, we ask you to bring and Showcase display examples of your craftsmanship for the mutual pleasure of all attendees.

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Contests Chairs:
John DeSteese - PNR
Giuseppe Aymar - PCR

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