Earn the Railroading Merit Badge
Brewster Bird and Jim Posey
8:00 AM to 2:30 PM, Saturday, May 3 |
There will be six stations, each representing a part of the merit badge pamphlet. Station one is "Introduction to Railroading" and covers the Railroading Merit Badge video, different departments within the railroad business model, and a general overview of railroading. Station two covers Operation Lifesaver and different types of trains and cars. Station three is about locomotives, braking systems and end of train devices. Station four is about the history and purpose of signals, lineside and whistle codes. Amtrak is station five, featuring deciphering the Amtrak timetable for the Coast Starlight trains. Station six is the Timesaver experience, where participants can run an engine and switch several cars between different tracks. Each scout or youth who participates will receive a take-home kit.
For more information, click here.
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Requirements Worksheets |
Word format |
PDF format |
DCC Decoder
Installations for Brass Steam Locomotives - III
7:00 PM, Thursday, May 1
8:30 AM, Friday, May 2 |
This clinic is
designed to remove the mystery and fear of
installing decoders in brass steam locomotives.
A beginner’s guide to decoder installation with
illustrated examples.
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and Your Model Railroad
Mary C. Moore-Campagna
7:00 PM, Wednesday, April 30
1:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Covers three areas: property (the
place where the railroad is located, plus any
equipment and fixtures), inland marine (items which
can be moved from location to location, especially
high-value items which can be specifically
described), and liability (what you can be sued for
if someone gets hurt or their property damaged as a
result of working with your railroad).
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Track Planning for Beginners
Brewster Bird
8:30 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Bring your protractor, compass and French Curve, scale rule (3-sided architect's rule) , five sheets of your favorite graph paper and a topographical map showing the rail line you would like to model. Pencils and erasers will be provided. Emphasis will be placed on rail yards, not necessarily the connecting mains or meandering branches. We will look at principles of scale, mapmaking and simple curves. How to 'fudge' turnouts to fit the vagaries of the track plan. Various whys and wherefores about shelves versus islands will be discussed.
Modeling A Western Sierra Shortline
Dave Connery
3:00 PM, Wednesday, April 30
8:30 AM, Saturday, May 3
The western slope of
the Sierra Mountains have provided a wide range of exciting
railroads to model. The clinic will recap the advantages of
modeling a shortline railroad, especially one serving the Sierra
and their western foothills. We will then attempt to cover as
many of these railroads as possible, showing some of the
specific reasons why each would make a great basis for a layout
and covering some sources of information and inspiration for
modeling each.
The State Belt Railroad
8:30 PM, Wednesday, April 30 |
The prototype ran along the
Embarcadero of San Francisco. How to develop a Chuck Hitchcock
influenced terminal switching line by looking at its history.
Layout Design Special Interest Group Roundtable (LDSIG)
Jim Providenza
7:00 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
This is the place to exchange ideas, make new friends or renew
acquaintances, and ask question of other knowledgeable modelers.
All convention attendees are welcome!
Big Dreams in an Unlikely Not-So-Big Space
Gary Saxton
8:30 AM, Thursday, May 1
10:00 AM, Friday, May 2 |
Imagine a layout
that: 1) Stays true to the spirit of the prototype; 2) Has an
area equal to 180% of the room area; 3) Is nearly 20 scale miles
long; 4) Shared, as opposed to taken over, the dining room in it
first incarnation; and 5) Moved 1500 miles salvaging over 75% of
the original layout. After a short review of the prototype, we
will jump into the design evolution which includes the use of
low-end computer “draw” and spreadsheet programs, everyday
experiences and observations, and simple experiments to
establish design criteria.
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Troubleshooting and Repairing Brass Steam
Locomotives - I
Mark Schutzer
2:30 PM, Thursday, May 1
1:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Brass steam locomotives have a reputation for
running poorly. This clinic will discuss the common problems
and show you how to fix them. A step by step example of a
locomotive repair will be illustrated. This clinic is tailored
to the beginner who wants learn how to improve the running of
those cranky steam locomotives.
Rebuilding Brass Steam Locomotives
- II Mark Schutzer
4:00 PM, Thursday, May 1
2:30 PM, Friday, May 2 |
This clinic will
show you how to turn those “noisy growlers” into prize
runners that will silently creep down the track.
Re-motoring and re-gearing will be discussed and illustrated
in detail. Topics include motor and gearbox selection,
motor mount construction, and the use of universal joint
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Building “Franken-Modules”
George Pisching
1:00 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
are table units evolved from the Frankenstein concept of
interchangeable parts. They are lightweight modular units
that can be combined in any number of ways to construct a
layout table (the "monster"). If you want to build a module
to take home, pay the $10.00 materials fee
and work along with George.
Modeling - A make and take clinic
Brewster Bird
1:30 PM, Wednesday, April 30 |
Bring two of your
favorite structure kits (preferably assembled), one or more
pieces of track, a 12" x 12" square of either linoleum,
hardboard, or foam core board, Durham rock water putty, white
glue, scenery materials, including one bag Woodland Scenics
ballast (your favorite color), and one cup of sand or dirt from
your favorite prototype spot. Apron and latex gloves optional.
Weeds and dried flowers, some ground foam and colored polyester
floss, and basic paint colors (coffee, rust, brown, dark green,
black) will be provided. Theories discussed will be vanishing
point perspective using physical models, the Golden Angle (i.e.
what draws one into a scene) and lighting.
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Let's Get Dirty With Our Models -
Giuseppe "Joe" Aymar
8:30 AM, Thursday, May 1
10:00 AM, Saturday, May 3 |
Hands-on clinic demonstrating basic techniques for weathering rolling stock and equipment using chalks and acrylic achieve a more realistic look
Resin Kit Assembly
Tips and techniques
Jack Burgess, MMR
4:00 PM, Friday, May 2 - Added
7:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
There are now literally hundreds of
resin kits available, allowing modelers to accurately replicate
strings of prototype freight cars with all of their subtle
variations. However, these kits are not necessarily easy to
assemble. In this clinic, Jack will share some tips and
techniques to make the assembly of resin kits easier and quicker
with less problems and, more importantly, more fun.
Detailing Building Interiors with Photos
John Huber
8:30 AM, Saturday, May 3
Using scale
photos, this clinic will demonstrate how to create detailed HO
scale interiors. John will use photos that he has taken,
collected and has been selling on eBay for the past two years
to detail the interior of DPM, Smalltown or other similar
sized buildings. The clinic will include how to make easy-to-build lighted signs. A simple detailed interior can be finished
in minutes. A super detailed interior can be finished in a night
or two.
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Contest Entry & Judging
4:00 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
This clinic will help you
fill out contest forms to maximize your ability to tell the
judges what you did and increase your score. You will also learn
how judging is done, so you can help judge contest entries
Saturday morning (judges get a free lunch and Association
Volunteer AP points).
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Purse Making
Marilyn Long
9:00 AM, Saturday, May 3 |
To follow
along and make a purse you will need the following: 1 yd fabric for the outside of
the purse 1-1/2 yd contrasting fabric
for inside, pocket, and ties 1/2 yd of 3/4" heavy elastic $5.00 for the bamboo handles,
which Marilyn will pick up
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Mail By Rail
Robert Clark
10:00 AM, Thursday, May 1
10:00 AM, Saturday, May 3 |
Mail was sorted in Railway Post Office cars
on moving trains for over 100 years. The railroads also moved
mail in a variety of other car types. This clinic illustrates
and discusses these car types, their operation in passenger
trains, and the evolution of interior hardware and sorting
Case for Operations - NEW!
Dave Clemens
1:00 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
Don't just build a display. Put your efforts in layout and model building to "good use" by applying some simple prototype concepts. Whether you have an existing railroad or are planning/building one, this clinic will provide useful suggestions for developing and implementing an operating scheme.
Creating Switch lists with Microsoft Excel
Chuck Harmon
3:00 PM, Wednesday, April 30
8:30 PM, Wednesday, April 30
Chuck’s Power
Point presentation will show how he eased the work of preparing
switch lists for his San Joaquin
Central using Microsoft Excel. With a simple layout example
he will show how to set up the routings for four trains. He will
go over how to enter the roster and routings and how to create
the switch lists for each train. The use of the switch lists can
be experienced at an operating session on the San Joaquin
Central during a layout tour.
Beginner's Operations
Bill Kaufman
8:30 AM, Thursday, May 1 |
Based on a series of articles that
appeared in Railroad Model Craftsman, this clinic poses
four basic questions. Which cars go where? How do you get them
there? How do you keep them from running into one another? How
do you make money at it? This clinic hopes to give you a
fundamental base so that you can operate successfully on any
model railroad.
Model Railroad Communications - NEW!
Seth Neumann
4:00 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
Thinking about how to talk to your operators during a session? Is your layout room too noisy to think while crews are running? Seth presents an updated version of his clinic that explores the history of communications between dispatchers, agent/operators and trains and tells you how to implement an era-appropriate communications system on your layout.
Operations Special Interest Group Roundtable (OpSIG)
Seth Neumann
8:30 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
operating your layout in a prototypical manner your cup of tea?
Well, this gathering is just for you. Are you interested in
learning more about operations? Again, this is for you. These
roundtables are always a lot of fun and very informative. All
convention attendees are welcome!
Switching: The Heart of Operation
Robert Pethoud
8:30 PM, Wednesday, April 30
7:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Bob's Power Point
presentation will examine three facets of model railroad
operation: way freight switching (pickups and setouts at
industries), yard switching (classification and blocking of
freight cars), and road maneuvers (meets and passes on the
main). This clinic is for novice operators as well as more
experienced hogheads.
Agent-Operator - NEW!
Jim Providenza
2:30 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
Join Jim as he explores the roles of Freight AGENT and Train Order OPERATOR. The Agent-Operator can add a whole new dimension to the operations of your railroad and increase the "play value" significantly. This clinic will review the functions of the positions, how they relate to other, more commonly modeled roles, how and why to combine the two roles, and what it takes to put them into practice.
Realistic Car Card Operation
Tony Thompson
7:00 PM, Wednesday, April 30 |
Operation should be the most
satisfying aspect of a layout. “Realistic operation” means
capturing the prototype’s variety, interest, and above all,
realism in train make-up, train movements, and distribution of
freight cars. Prototype examples and photos from the author’s
layout are used to illustrate these points, and a complete card
operating system is described and illustrated, including new
ideas about miniature waybill methods.
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Operation Lifesaver
Robert Alexander
1:00 - 5:00 PM; 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Friday, May 2
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Saturday, May 3 |
Operation Lifesaver is a rail-highway crossing safety program that was founded in Idaho by concerned citizens and UP railroaders in 1973. Operation Lifesaver emphasizes training, awareness, safety and prevention. Backed by grants from the FRA, USDOT, AAR, Amtrak, and the major rail lines, the training is age-appropriate and is focused on such issues as trespassing, safety and prevention, and statistics (how many near incidents, how many incidents, how many fatalities annually). Presenters come from all age groups, every strata of society. Bob Alexander is from the Bakersfield office of OLI and works with the BNSF as Safety Coordinator. The OL Loco Simulator will be at the Ramada Inn Friday evening and will be available for showing an engineman's view of the track and number of incidents one sees while on board the locomotive through Saturday afternoon.
Action in the Visalia Industrial Park
Brewster Bird
3:00 PM, Wednesday, April 30 |
A multi-media presentation, through overhead projector, slide projection and video, will show: the Kelsey Street Yard and its simplicity; traffic generated by the Industrial Park; types of cars seen at Goshen Avenue/Kelsey Street; and Locomotives used by the San Joaquin Valley Railroad. Almost a "Railroad You Can Model". Reprised from the 2001 PCR Convention in San Luis Obispo with some updates.
Riding Amtrak as a Trails and Rails Guide
Bruce Morden
4:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Amtrak and the
National Park Service have partnered to provide passengers an
educational narrated guide program on more than a dozen of their
long distance trains . Hear about the program from one of the
guides. Learn about some of the training that goes into the
program. Find out about Amtrak Operations.
Medical Experiences of a Railroad Doctor
Ronald Smith, M.D.
2:30 PM, Friday, May 2 |
This clinic will
discuss railroad work related injuries, the hospital system for
railroad workers and related subjects.
Hostling a Steam Engine
Dave Tadlock
1:30 PM, Wednesday, April 30 New Day and Time |
Firing of Sierra Railroad's
locomotive #28, a Baldwin 2-8-0 Consolidation
built in 1922 for the Sierra. Also describes general steam
engine maintenance at Jamestown's roundhouse.
PFE Reefers
Tony Thompson
7:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Typical of western reefer operators, Pacific
Fruit Express first collected empties in the east, moved them
west and cleaned or repaired them, spotted them for loading,
then after icing moved them eastward. All the parts of this
sequence are described and illustrated in the clinic, along with
modeling points
for each part. A descriptive handout is provided.
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Collecting Railroad China -
10:00 AM, Friday, May 2 |
This clinic will give
an overview of a specialized portion of the railroad hobby
-- collecting and preserving those items that were used on
the dining and lounge cars of America's railroads. While the
primary focus will be on the chinaware used in dining cars,
we will also touch on the ancillary items used in railroad
food service. Pat has been involved in this aspect of the
hobby for over ten years. This clinic will be of interest to
both rail-fans and non-rails alike.
Mid-Century Rails 1940-1960
Jim Martin
1:00 PM, Thursday, May 1
1:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Digital photograph
presentation of railroads east and west, some color,
mostly black & white, mostly steam, some early diesels.
Southern Pacific Cabooses
Tony Thompson
1:30 PM, Wednesday, April 30
10:00 AM, Friday, May 2 |
The SP caboose
designs over the years were usually distinctive, making these
cars “signature” SP equipment. An overview of the history of the
SP caboose from 1871 to the end of caboose construction in 1980
is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on steam and
steam-early diesel era cars. A few comments about modeling these
cars are also included.
Southern Pacific Covered
10:00 AM, Thursday, May 1 |
This clinic covers SP covered hoppers from their beginning in 1946 until the late 1960s (and with some passing remarks on hopper cars). All covered hopper car types are included, with many in-service views. A handout will provide summary rosters also.
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Clouds and Backdrop Scenery
Dave Biondi
8:30 AM, Friday, May 2 |
In this clinic Dave will take you
through the basic steps of painting clouds and a backdrop for
your layout. Dave will discuss color recipes and demonstrate his
techniques for sky, hills, trees, and some basic foreground
detail work.
Tree Making 101
John McKenzie
2:30 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
John will show you how to make pine, fir and
aspen trees using the bottle brush method and a "jig" of his own
making from start to finish, via a Power Point presentation.
Making HO Redwood Trees
Ed Matheny
4:00 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Ed will demonstrate his technique
for making redwood trees. There will be one part of the
demonstration that will be hands on. Those
participating in the hands on (not mandatory, you may
watch others) will be making their own lower part of a
redwood tree to take home with them. An informational handout
will be given to each participant after the session explaining
materials used. Two or three finished redwood trees will be on
display since it is impossible to finish this type of project in
one hour. It takes approximately two days to finish a set of 3-4
medium-sized redwood trees.
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Prototype Modelers
Ron Plies
7:00 PM, Wednesday, April 30 |
Wednesday night at the movies with El Presidente Del Norte. Ron will be showing some of his 8mm sound films that he made back in 1976 and 1977 in and around the Fresno area. Some of this material has been used in Charles Smiley’s DVDs, but there is a lot that was not. There will be films on the Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, and early Amtrak San Joaquins, as well some other surprises, as time permits.
Five Strands of Narrow Gauge
8:30 PM, Thursday, May 1 New Day and Time
8:30 PM, Friday, May 2 |
The Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad through time,
using photos and present day scenes.
Joaquin & Eastern Operations
7:00 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
Upper and lower divisions - Geared locos on the upper division, rod
locos on the lower division. How SJ&E meshed with the SP Friant
Ideas for the San Joaquin & Eastern Modeler
John Vasconcelos
8:30 PM, Thursday, May 1 |
Using and adapting
commercial models to model the SJ&E.
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Weathering and Ballasting Track
Chuck Geiger
1:00 PM, Saturday, May 3 |
How to build up the
roadbed, ballast the track and do basic weathering of track and
ballast using an airbrush or spray paint.
Turnouts---What You Need To Know
Rich Kolm
10:00 AM, Thursday, May 1 |
Turnouts can be
troublemakers, interfering with the reliable operation of
trains. This clinic will expand your understanding of turnouts
and the options you have when designing and building a layout.
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Design For Your Layout and Club
Dave Grenier
8:30 AM, Friday, May 2 |
Have you ever surfed the
Internet looking at model railroad layout websites and
wished you had one for your layout or club, but didn’t know
how to get started? Then this is the clinic for you! In this
clinic, Dave will share ideas and techniques on designing
and building websites for layouts and clubs, from inception
to the World Wide Web. He will cover basic layout and design
principles, what tools are available, and publishing on the
Internet. Don’t be intimidated – this clinic is for anyone
new to creating websites.
Creating Logos and Images For Your Railroad,
Club, or Convention
George Pisching
2:30 PM, Friday, May 2 |
Sierra Memories' graphics artist will present
this clinic. See the convention's logo for an example of
George's work.
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