Boy Scouts of America Railroading Merit Badge
This special clinic, conducted by adult Scouters of the PCR at the Silver Rails 2010 PCR Convention, is a presentation of the Railroading Merit Badge requirements. At the conclusion of this clinic, Scouts will have completed all of the requirements necessary to earn the Railroading Merit Badge.
Each participant will receive a take-home goodie bag, that includes a car kit, Operation Lifesaver information, and a railroad-related magazine.
There will be six stations, each representing a part of the merit badge pamphlet:
- Station one is "Introduction to Railroading" and covers the Railroading Merit Badge video, different departments within the railroad business model, and a general overview of railroading.
- Station two covers Operation Lifesaver, railroad safety, and different types of trains and cars.
- Station three is about locomotives, braking systems and end-of-train devices.
- Station four is about the history and purpose of signals, lineside and whistle codes.
- Station five is about Amtrak, featuring deciphering the Amtrak timetable for the Coast Starlight trains.
- Station six is the Timesaver layout experience, where participants can run an engine and switch several cars between different tracks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When is it?
A. Saturday, May 1, 2010 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Q. Where is it?
A. John Ascuaga's Nugget Casino Resort Hotel, 1100 Nugget Avenue, Sparks, NV, in the Central Pacific A&B Room on the 3rd floor.
Q. Who is presenting it?
A. Adult Scouters of the Nevada Area Council and members of the Pacific Coast Region of the National Model Railroading Association (NMRA).
Q. Is there any cost to attend?
A. Yes, $2.00 for booklet and patch.
Q. Do I have to wear my Scout uniform?
A. Yes, it is preferred that Scouts wear their uniform to avoid a $.50 "fine".
Q. What are the requirements to earn the Railroading Merit Badge?
A. See either of these worksheets from the merit badge phamplet:
Word format PDF format
Q. What's in the "take-home goodie bag"?
A. A model railroad car kit, Operation Lifesaver materials, and a railroad-related magazine.
Q. What else can you tell me?
A. Be prepared to have fun! Model railroading is fun!
Get a free railroading magazine!
Marion Rice, Boy Scout Merit Badge Program Chairman
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